Lonely in a Crowd | Where is My Mind

Have you ever heard the saying, “they are in mourning”? What does this mean? Or better is the question, what is the language saying? What the language relays in they are alone or lonely. It says that they are in a place, separated, desolated from other humans and other places. That they are somehow not with us. This is also the same meaning of loneliness according to the Bible. Where then are they really?

The fact is, we are right here… With everyone else. It’s just that our state of mind is not present as we are still thinking about the past. We are contemplating what we think we need instead of accepting what we have. How horrible to live the same day over and over, I believe they made a movie about that… But, in the end, a lesson was learned and the character was able to move on with his life and destiny.

So is it being in that state of mind that keeps us stuck? I am in a state of loss and have been for awhile now. I feel the loneliest when I’m around people. It’s a devasting feeling. And yet, I keep looking for more people to fill the hole.

Ever been caught in that cycle? It’s because we are missing the mark on who to call on when we feel lost and desolate! We cry out to everything that cannot fix the waning hole in our hearts instead of seeking God! According to Hebrew translations, missing the mark is the definition of sin. So, the act of filling ourselves up with everything but God, is a sin! Wow!

How do we break the cycle then? Instead of trying to mend the open sores that bleed into all areas of our lives, maybe we should hand them over to the Lord. I have found recently, the more I hand off to the Lord, the better I feel. I have also learned that it is a process and there is no way to hurry it up. Truly processing our emotions and dealing with the pain for as long as it takes will help us to move on when the time comes and break the cycle we so easily fall into. Asking the Lord to deal with them with us brings us comfort during that time.

Recently, I came to the realization that I was supplicating instead of accepting my situation. I was missing the mark. I was trying to be fixed, filled and a-okay instead of waiting on the Lord to give me what I needed. The Lord allowed me to be put me in this place to show me something wonderful… Why then was I bartering for anything more than what He had given me? It’s simple, I was uncomfortable sitting in desolation, in loneliness. I had forgotten, I wasn’t alone.

Great is the Faithfulness of our Lord!

I know that my Heavenly Father is waking something in my spirit and preparing me for a great walk with Him. By loss of everything secure in my life, He is teaching me slowly to simply look at Him! But it is very hard to see the positive when one feels so down.

However! I hear His Psalms rejoicing a song way down deep in my heart! My inner child delights in the Lord even while my flesh is failing me! This sadness is nothing but emotion and My God is so much greater! I am so thankful for His faithfulness and comfort when I feel sad. Here are some of the Rejoicing statements the Lord gave me when I asked Him to fill me up! Praise God! I hope they encourage you as well!

His Grace is sufficient for me, Jehovah Jireh my provider. He will see to my every need.

He will clear me of all pain and replace my sin with Righteousness for His namesake!

He will take me to the rivers of Everylasting Waters of Life and He will fill my heart with gladness.

For He loves me, He will not forsake me, He will be my Rest, my Strength, my Glory and my Praise!

How Great is His Faithfulness, the Lord my God has all power over me and what His will is will be done in my life.

Who can be against me while He is for me? No one! Because He is the beginning and the end of all things.